English Editing Researcher Services

Suzanne Leech

  • Suzanne Leech
    Suzanne Leech
    2003 - PhD Molecular Parasitology, Queen's University Belfast
    2000 - MSc Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology, University of Manchester
    1999 - BSc Zoology, Queen's University Belfast

    Academic Background

    Dr Leech has over 7 years’ experience as a biological scientist in ecology, parasitology, multiple sclerosis pathology and immunology, and clinical chemistry. She has diverse experience of laboratory techniques such as PCR, cloning, transfection, transformation, mammalian cell culture, in situ hybridization, ELISA, western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, and has many years of experience communicating scientific findings. She has detailed knowledge of molecular biology, parasitology, immunology, zoology, evolutionary biology, cell biology, infectious diseases, and pathology.

    Publishing History

    Dr Leech has authored four published peer-reviewed papers, and a fifth is in the process of being written. She has spoken at two International Society of Parasitology conferences and presented a poster at a third.

    Editing and Reviewing Experience

    Dr Leech has been working as a freelance editor of scientific manuscripts, primarily written by ESL authors, since 2018. She has edited hundreds of manuscripts from diverse fields, including ecology, paleontology, parasitology, biomedical science, cardiology, surgery, veterinary science, and molecular biology.

    Writing Experience

    Dr Leech has written articles on the topics of influenza testing, prenatal diagnosis, rapid molecular diagnostic tests, and 3D cell culture for online magazines.