English Editing Researcher Services
Scientific Expertise.
On-demand. Today.

Meet the demands of your target journal with expert language editing and custom solutions from world-class research and publication experts.


Expert Editing

An in-depth edit to ensure your manuscript is written in flawless, polished, natural English. Our experts also help make the novelty and significance of your research shine by editing for clarity and for accuracy of scientific expression.

starting from
day turnaround
  • Publication-quality language editing
  • Edit to guidelines of your target journal
  • Free 2nd round of editing

First time using Edanz?

In our 20+ years experience, we have developed a trusted relationship with the scientific community.  We understand the research process and are with you every step of the way, which is why authors worldwide trust Edanz to help them prepare their research for publication.

With Edanz, you can be confident in submitting your manuscript to any international journal.

  • 1

    Choose your word count and upload your documents to our secure servers.

  • 2

    An expert editor will carefully edit your manuscript for grammar, accuracy of scientific expression, and ensure the language is clear and natural.

  • 3

    Your submission-ready documents can be downloaded from your secure Edanz account.

We guarantee

  • Publication-quality English editing

    We guarantee you will not be rejected because of poor language. In the rare case that a rejection does occur, we will re-edit your manuscript for resubmission at no charge.

  • Highest ethical standards

    COPE Edanz is an associate member of COPE, and we actively support the current industry standards in publication and research Ethics.

  • Customer service & support all the way

    Our knowledgeable Customer Service and Editorial Team are with you throughout the entire journey. You can contact us by email, live chat, or phone at any time.

  • Only native-English-speaking expert editors

    Edanz experts are experienced researchers who are highly skilled in research communication and all have verified publication records. Meet some of our experts.

  • Security & confidentiality

    We take data confidentiality very seriously and our infrastructure, policies, and procedures reflect this. All our staff sign confidentiality agreements and follow a professional code of ethics to ensure the security of your valuable data.

Our expert editors

All Edanz editors are native English speakers and are experts in their respective fields. Our editors go through a rigorous selection process and must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Holder of a PhD degree, or equivalent, with a verifiable publication record
  • 3+ years of experience as a dedicated scientific editor
  • Certified scientific editor (e.g., BELS)

Kate Fox

  • 2003 - DPhil Microbiology, University of Oxford
  • 1999 - BSc Biological Sciences, University of Leicester

Dr Fox completed a DPhil in microbiology at the University of Oxford, investigating novel phase variable LPS biosynthetic genes in...

Blaine Bisel

  • 2011 - PhD Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, University of Florence
  • 2005 - BA Molecular Biology, Pomona College

Academic Background

Dr Bisel is an accomplished cell biologist and scientific translator/editor. With over 15 years ...

Audrey Holmes

  • 2000 - MA (Hons) Psychology, University of Canterbury
  • 1997 - BA Psychology, University of Canterbury

After graduating from the University of Canterbury, Ms Holmes worked in New Zealand’s health and social sectors. Her roles have ...


  • Thank you for your perfect job!

    Dr Glorio Matilde

    Ospedale Civile Di Imperia, Italy

  • Thank you very much for your extremely thorough editing. It was really helpful that an editor whose field is very close to ours could edit our paper as requested. We were able to submit successfully.

    We would like to use Edanz’s services again. Thank you very much.

    Research Fellow

    University of Bonn

  • The editors especially correct mistakes common to non native-English authors. They adjust the grammar to make the sentences more fluent. What’s more, the editors give corresponding comments in accordance with the target journal, and returned my revised paper on time.

    Dr. Zhou Shutian

    Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

  • I used Edanz’s editing for the first time and was very surprised at their high quality and speed. I intend to use Edanz’s services from now on.

    Medical doctor

    at a national research center

  • I used to use another editing company outside of China for the past ten years. However, I found more and more details of my manuscript were ignored by its editors, and sometimes even important content was missing. Finally I submitted one of my manuscripts to both Edanz and the other company to find out if my English expression was not clear for native speakers. The editing results surprised me: they were totally different. After editing by Edanz my manuscript was simple and clear without losing any necessary details; I can see from the edited manuscript that the editor reviewed my paper thoroughly and edited carefully. I'm really satisfied with the editing work done by Edanz, which contributed a lot to my submission.

    Prof. Su Sodmergen

    School of Life Sciences, Peking University

Edanz has successfully helped thousands of researchers publish in leading journals, and with global publishers.

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